Welcome to APFEL online cluster!
This web-application is a tool designed for High
Energy Physics by providing a simple and
intuitive interface to plot and compute the most
common observables with Parton Distribution
Functions (PDFs).
To begin to produce on-line plots, please register and login!
The APFEL library
APFEL, a PDF evolution library, is a
computer library specialized in the solution of DGLAP evolution equations up to NNLO
in QCD and to LO in QED, both with Pole and $\overline{\rm MS}$
masses. With APFEL you can replace the evolution of LHAPDF sets and check the impact
on the choice of evolution parameters. APFEL also computes deep-inelastic scattering
processes using multiple schemes.
If you use the APFEL library or the online cluster in a scientific publication, please cite:
V. Bertone, S. Carrazza and J. Rojo,
"APFEL: A PDF Evolution Library with QED corrections", Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 1647 (2014),
S. Carrazza et al.,
"APFEL Web: a web-based application for the graphical visualization of parton distribution functions", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 42 057001,
arXiv:1410.5456. Labtalk.