Welcome to APFEL online cluster!

This web-application is a tool designed for High Energy Physics by providing a simple and intuitive interface to plot and compute the most common observables with Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs).

To begin to produce on-line plots, please register and login!

The APFEL library

APFEL, a PDF evolution library, is a computer library specialized in the solution of DGLAP evolution equations up to NNLO in QCD and to LO in QED, both with Pole and $\overline{\rm MS}$ masses. With APFEL you can replace the evolution of LHAPDF sets and check the impact on the choice of evolution parameters. APFEL also computes deep-inelastic scattering processes using multiple schemes.

If you use the APFEL library or the online cluster in a scientific publication, please cite:
V. Bertone, S. Carrazza and J. Rojo, "APFEL: A PDF Evolution Library with QED corrections", Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 1647 (2014), arXiv:1310.1394.
S. Carrazza et al., "APFEL Web: a web-based application for the graphical visualization of parton distribution functions", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 42 057001, arXiv:1410.5456. Labtalk.

Web developers: D. Palazzo, S. Carrazza, A. Ferrara
APFEL developers: V. Bertone, S. Carrazza, J. Rojo. (Contact)

Mobile website:

Download app for Blackberry

PDF plots & comparisons

Plot and perform comparisons between multiple PDF sets.

PDF Luminosities

Generate luminosity plots for multiple PDFs for all parton flavors.

Predictions for DIS observables

Compute DIS obvservables using multiple PDF sets.